Talk English off to a great start in Manchester

With 24 classes and 7 cafes up and running and with the help of over 60 volunteers, Talk English Manchester is off to a great start in helping learners to improve their English and get out and about in Manchester. On Monday we visited Manchester Art Gallery, where the theme was ‘Found Objects’. We chatted about […]
With 24 classes and 7 cafes up and running and with the help of over 60 volunteers, Talk English Manchester is off to a great start in helping learners to improve their English and get out and about in Manchester.
On Monday we visited Manchester Art Gallery, where the theme was ‘Found Objects’. We chatted about which objects were important to us and then had a look at some great art on the theme. Learners were surprised to see art from their home countries as part of the exhibition. After exploring the galleries, they used mod rock to create their own art.
On Tuesday we explored Manchester Museum. With the help of our volunteers, learners practised their English while learning about animals from all over the world, as well as sharing their own knowledge and experiences. Many are now planning to go back with their kids in half term.
On Friday we put on our warm clothes for Walk and Talk in Platt Fields Park in Rusholme. Among the beautiful autumn colours, conversation moved from discussing our favourite seasons and new words like ‘berry’, ‘squirrel’ and ‘pumpkin’ to Bonfire Night and Halloween. We even identified some trees!