Parveen has lived in England for 45 years and had never been to English classes before. She says that she often felt lonely and depressed at home but that now she has made good friends on the course and that the teachers are very helpful. She is now confident to get on the bus and […]

Parveen has lived in England for 45 years and had never been to English classes before. She says that she often felt lonely and depressed at home but that now she has made good friends on the course and that the teachers are very helpful. She is now confident to get on the bus and to ask where it’s going.

Iqra is 21 and has a young son. She says that Talk English has  helped her to speak in English with her husband when they are out together. She feels that this improves the attitude of other people towards them and makes them more integrated. She is looking forward to being able to talk to her son’s teachers when he starts school.

Asma says that now she can make and change her own appointments and travel on the bus by herself. When she doesn’t come to class she feels very alone but she has made new friends at Talk English.

Fehmida came to the UK 3 years ago to join her husband. She says that the English class gave her life and that everything she learns she uses outside the classroom. She is happier and more confident.

Ahmed has been volunteering with Talk English at Kirklees for 2 years. He said “I have felt useful and this has helped boost my confidence. If I did not volunteer or come to Paddock I would feel isolated as I would not be an active participant in my community”.